ACRTA applied for 5310 funding that will provide for 2 wheelchair accessible vans ($120,000) to continue to transport elderly and disabled clients to out-of-county medical facilities. Also included are requests for Capitalized Maintenance Cost of $51,500 for software tablets for vans ($35,000) and radio/security equipment ($17,500). The application was supported by the Transportation Coordination Committee of the Lima Allen County Regional Planning Commission.
ACRTA applied for 5310 Grant funds in 2015 and was awarded three – light transit vehicles (LTV) at 80% funding and three LTV at 100% funding for increased service to the elderly and disabled. Vehicles are on order and schedule for delivery during the summer of 2016.
ACRTA applied for 5339 Grant funds and was awarded $580,000 at 100% funding to purchase land and build a parking lot for employees and garage for LTVs due to service increase for elderly and disabled. The application was supported by the Transportation Coordination Committee of the Lima Allen County Regional Planning Commission.
ACRTA applied for an Ohio Transit Preservation Partnership Program (OTPPP) Grant for one 35′ fixed route bus to replace one of four 1998 buses that are beyond their useful life and mileage. The grant application was approved by the LACRPC Transportation Coordination Committee. Click here for more information.