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ACRTA is happy to assist residents moving around town to appointments, shopping and visiting friends.
We promise to serve our patrons with integrity, respect, trust, civility, and teamwork. All ACRTA buses are ADA accessible. To keep the lines of communication open we have a few tips and are open to suggestions and feedback from our riders.
Please note that there are shelters around town that are not bus stops associated in any way with ACRTA. Please do not sit at these covered areas thinking that a bus will stop there. Unfortunately, this is not the case as the sites ARE NOT bus stops.
When boarding the bus
- Remain on the sidewalk away from traffic
- Do not approach the bus until it comes to a complete stop
- For safety use the handrails when boarding
When boarding on the lift for wheelchairs or walkers be sure to hold handrails as the lift can move suddenly once it’s activated
While riding the bus
- Use the handhold when moving through the bus and promptly take a seat
- We have priority seating at the front of the bus for seniors and the disabled
- If someone is sitting in priority seating that does not fit in one of those categories, you may ask them to move out of priority seating.
When leaving the bus
- Get ready to exit well in advance of your stop so you do not have to rush
- Use the handrails when getting off the bus
- Watch your step while getting off, especially at night and in rainy or snowy weather
Other tips
- Arrive at your stop or the Transfer Center early
- Stand back from the street or edge of the platform
- Check bus headsign to be sure the approaching bus is the one that you want to take
- Wave to the bus driver to stop
- Wait for exiting passengers to leave before boarding
- Passengers that require additional assistance may request the driver lower the ramp or deploy the lift
- Ask for help in boarding and securing a seat on the bus when needed
- Secure your personal belongings
- Please do not eat or drink, smoke or play loud music
- Be alert while traveling and report any unusual activities by calling 419-222-2782
- Please be ready to exit when you arrive at your destination
- Use the rear door (if available) to exit
- Make sure you have your belongings with you and exit, if you are physically able to