Allen County Regional Transit Authority | ACRTA

                                         Click here to view our “How to Ride” videos page!

Our goal is to provide a safe, reliable, comfortable, and enjoyable riding experience for all patrons.

Allen County Regional Transit Authority is committed to providing a safe, reliable, comfortable, and enjoyable riding experience for all of our patrons and our drivers. We promise to serve you with integrity, respect, civility, trust, teamwork, and to be receptive to your suggestions.

We aim to improve the quality of life through mobility by providing transportation services for those who might not otherwise be able to arrive at shopping, medical appointments, work and entertainment in a timely manner.

  • Connecting Our Community
  • Accessibility
  • Community Resources

Trip Planner

Trip planning is provided using Google Maps.

e.g. St Rita’s Emergency

e.g. 301 N Main St

Trip planning data is maintained using GTFS Manager from Trillium.

Join UPLIFT Transportation

UPLIFT is a transportation service for individuals who, because of a disability, are unable to use the fixed route service. UPLIFT is a shared ride service, which means that passengers share a vehicle with other passengers who are traveling to similar destinations at the same time.


ACRTA is happy to help our community!

Monthly bus passes and single ride tickets can be purchased in the lobby of the Transfer Station.

Come see us today!

Connecting Our Community

ACRTA appreciates the daily collaboration and coordination of our partners to benefit the community.


Learn About ACRTA

We believe that public transportation is essential to economic vitality and environmental stability.